An Introduction to querySelector() in JavaScript


querySelector() selects and returns the first element which matches the specified CSS selector.

document is an element interface which represents a webpage loaded in the browser and serves as an entry point into the webpage’s content.

document.querySelector() is an API via which we talk to browsers.



Through this we are telling the browser that we need that element: "selector"

The name 'querySelector' itself suggests that it asks for a particular selector and that selector is written like : ("selector").

It is a way by which we can connect the things in an html file to a javascript file.

Selector examples

  • For textarea tag => document.querySelector("textarea")
  • For element with class : "btn-primary" => document.querySelector(".btn-primary")
  • For element with an id : input-btn => document.querySelector("#input-btn")
  • For input Element with an attribute name: ‘translator’ => document.querySelector("input[name='translator']")

How does querySelector() work internally?

Suppose we have a element with id = "btn-click" in html file and var clickButton = document.querySelector("#btn-click") in javascript file, querySelector will go to the entire html page and will find whether there is an id = "btn-click". When it finds the match, it will return the entire element with the id, i.e ,

<button id ="btn-click">Click</button>

I hope it helps. Thank you for reading.